
Discover how Hale Engineering enhanced an industrial manufacturing company’s belt conveyor system by integrating a variable frequency drive (VFD) and a rope pull emergency stop system. Learn about the benefits of VFDs for energy efficiency and process optimization, and the improved safety provided by the emergency stop system. Experience Hale Engineering’s commitment to excellence and find tailored solutions for your automation needs.


Our industrial client approached Hale Engineering with a specific requirement to modify their existing belt conveyor system used for material transportation within their plant. The conveyor lacked speed control capability and did not have an emergency stop function in place.


The standard setup of the conveyor system provided fixed speed control, which limited flexibility in adjusting the conveyor speed to meet process requirements. Additionally, the absence of an emergency stop system posed a safety risk, as operators needed a reliable means to halt the conveyor quickly in case of emergencies.


Upon assessing the client’s needs, our technical team proposed the implementation of a variable frequency drive (VFD) combined with a rope pull emergency stop system. The VFD offered the ability to control the speed, frequency, and voltage supplied to the conveyor motor. This allowed for precise adjustment of the conveyor speed, ramp-up and ramp-down features, and directional control.

Benefits of Variable Frequency Drives:

1.Energy Savings and System Efficiency: VFDs optimise energy consumption by adjusting motor speed based on process requirements, resulting in significant energy savings.

2. Process Optimization: Matching the drive speed to the specific process needs improves overall efficiency and performance.

3. Torque and Power Matching: VFDs ensure the motor delivers the required torque or power, avoiding unnecessary strain or energy wastage.

4. Improved Working Environment: VFDs contribute to lower noise levels, enhancing the working environment by reducing noise from fans, pumps, and other equipment.

5. Extended Equipment Service Life: By reducing mechanical stress on equipment, VFDs help extend the lifespan of motors and associated components.

6. To address the safety aspect, we designed and installed a rope pull emergency stop system that spanned the entire length of the conveyor. This system ensured operator safety by providing an emergency stop function accessible along the entire conveyor length. In the event of an emergency, operators can pull the rope, activating the emergency stop command. The signal is then communicated to the VFD, promptly cutting the power to the motor and bringing the conveyor to an immediate stop.

Installation Process and Compliance:

During the installation process, Hale Engineering meticulously adhered to the latest regulations, ensuring the secure placement of all components and cables. Our team paid careful attention to the organisation of the system to minimise any hindrance to operators working around the site. By prioritising safety and compliance, we successfully implemented a solution that provided peace of mind to our client, their operators, and improved the overall operational efficiency of the conveyor system.


Through the integration of a variable frequency drive and a rope pull emergency stop system, Hale Engineering delivered a comprehensive solution that addressed both the speed control requirements and safety concerns of our industrial client. The VFD enabled precise control over conveyor speed, enhancing process efficiency, while the emergency stop system ensured swift and reliable shutdown capability in case of emergencies. Our commitment to safety, compliance, and operational excellence allowed us to meet our client’s needs and contribute to their overall success.

Contact Hale Engineering today to discuss your industrial automation and control requirements, and let us provide tailored solutions for your specific needs.